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Interwar Years Review

One Big Union

Winnipeg General Strike


Halibut Treaty

Alexander Mackenzie King 

Julien Byng

Statute of Westminster, 1931 


Great Depression

Dust Bowl

Tariffs (protectionism)

Wall Street Market Crash

Buying on Installments

Buying on Margin

Herbert Hoover


Hoover blankets 

Shanty towns 



  • Communism

  • Socialism

  • Liberalism

  • Conservativsm

  • Fascism

Oct 29, 1929 "Black Tuesday"

Bill Bennett

Bank of Canada

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Bill

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

"Trickle-down" economics

"Pump-priming" economics

"Bloody Saturday" 

Chanak Crisis 

Supply and Demand

Make-work projects

Soup kitchens

King-Byng Confrontation

Supreme Court of Canada 



Franklin Delano Roosevelt 

The New Deal

Bank Holiday

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation



Relief Camps

"Slave Camps"

Andrew McNaughton

"Royal Twenty Centres"

"Riding the rods"

On to Ottawa Trek

Bible Bill Aberhart

Social Credit 

J.S. Woodsworth

Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)

Regina Manifesto

Maurice Duplessis

Padlock Law

Famous Five

Emily Murphy

Cairine Wilson

The Persons Case

Balfour Report

Laissez Faire 

J.P. Morgan 

Pogey (welfare)




Solvent Banks

CBC Radio

Family Allowance

Unemployment Insurance

Concepts to Understand

  1. Why did Byng refuse to dissolve parliament after Mackenzie King's request during the King-Byng confrontation?

  2. What was meant by the "Roaring Twenties"?

  3. Why did this prosperity have major flaws?

  4. How did things go wrong for the farmers leading up to the Great Depression?

  5. Problems associated with Canada being an export nation.

  6. How come Mackenzie King lost the election to Bennett?

  7. Why did workers in Relief Camps become unhappy with their situation?

  8. What attempts were made by Roosevelt to ease the hardship in America during the Great Depression?

  9. After the stock market crash, a "spiral effect" of unemployment and hardship followed. Understand how this played out.

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