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  1. How to write a RESEARCH PAPER

  2. Tips when doing your RESEARCH

  3. What kind of SOURCES should I have?

  4. How to FOOTNOTE

  5. How to write a BIBLIOGRAPHY

  6. What is PLAGIARISM?

  7. Guidelines for REVISING Your Essay 


Many students find writing difficult at the best of times. Others find it simply overwhelming and therefore avoid it altogether. It does not have to be this way. If you manage your time properly and follow the steps laid out in the table of contents you should be writing in no time, and without the gut-wrenching anxiety that may accompany the process. 


Why write essays? 


A question many students ask. There are two chief reasons for having students produce analytical research essays: First, many students from our school plan on attending a post-secondary institution. It will be a requirement for students to have this ability. Second, and more important, I want my students to be able to research a topic, think deeply about an issue, provide context, judgment and analysis, in a synthesized, well-structured paper. This is, after all, the goal from the 2010 report, Premier's Technology Council: A Vision for 21st Century Education. It says,


"Students need the search skills required to access information, the critical thinking skills needed to analyse and evaluate that information, and the problem solving skills required to effectively use that information. It involves purposeful, reflective judgment, logical analysis, and assessment of factual accuracy, credibility, significance and fairness."

Welcome to the Social Studies Research Writing Manual

Research Writing Manual

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