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Population Review

Demography Population Density


Vital Statistics






Birth Rate

Death Rate

Infant Mortality Rate

Total Fertility Rate

Replacement Level Fertility 

Natural Increase 

Rate of Natural Increase

Net Migration

Carrying Capacity

Doubling Time

Rule of Seventy 

Push-Pull Factors

Space-Time Collapse

Life Expectancy

Oral Hydration Therapy (OHT) 

Demographic Transition Model

  • Pre-industrial

  • Early Expanding

  • (Late) Expanding

  • Zero Population Growth (Stable)

  • Population Decline (Contracting)

Population Pyramid



Dependancy Ratio

Concepts to Understand

  1. How does data inform us? Why is it useful from a perspective of human geography?

  2. Understand general world population numbers, growth, etc.

  3. Understand population pyramids and the different stages countries can experience based on their population growth/decline.

  4. What accounts for the world's unprecedented population growth in the past 200 years?

  5. How can raising the status of women affect general fertility numbers?

  6. China's One Child Policy has been controversial. Some question its effectiveness. Others believe it was necessary to control population growth.

  7. Nevertheless, the effects of the program have been far-reaching. Explain.

  8. India, like China, is experiencing an imbalance in terms of natural gender ratios. What accounts for this?

  9. What has happened in Caribbean society from 1980 to 1995 in terms of leading causes of death? 

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